Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Due to the MASSIVE procrastination problem I have...
-three presentations
-one 4-6 page paper
-one 8-10 page policy memo (in a group... thank goodness)
-two 12-15 page papers
-one 20-25 page paper
-four finals

All of which needs to be completed in the next three weeks.
Why did I think it would be a good idea to major in Political Science again???
Weirdly enough, I am most stressed out about the 4-6 page paper... because it is a philosophy paper and I am the world's WORST philosopher. 

The daunting list above makes a blogging hiatus necessary.
Goodbye till after graduation!

Wish me luck...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Date Morning

Since Brady is on Spring Break and I don't believe in taking classes before noon we started our morning off right.

With breakfast and the season finale of The Bachelor {sorry mom}.

I have the best husband.

{and a really cute niece}

The end. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This is about the time of year where all of procrastination catches up with me.
School is stressful.
I have four fifteen page papers due in the next couple of weeks. Gross.
The job hunt is stressful.
Well mostly thinking about starting the job hunt because that is about as far as I have gone.

On a happier note::
-I have officially started two out of four of my fifteen page papers.
-It is finally warm outside.
-AND GRADUATION IS IN FIVE WEEKS! {I don't normally condone caps, but I thought it was appropriate for that bullet}


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

Since the KONY 2012 campaign has been flooding my facebook newsfeed I decided I should probably learn more about it. 

Pro KONY 2012

HERE is an article that is more critical of KONY 2012. 

After looking at both, I tend to agree with the article. I am by no means saying that Joseph Kony is not an evil man doing horrible things, but this article does make some very good points.

{disclaimer: I have not done tons of research on the topic}

I think that this movement is more about curing the symptom than fixing the cause.
I think that eliminating one man will not solve the problem, the problem is much deeper and more complex than that. 
Lastly, I think that terrible things are happening to children in Uganda. I just don't know that this is the answer.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Big Two-Two

This year my birthday fell on a good day.
No school, no work... just shopping, eating, and Lebron.

My lovely parents drove up from St. George to spend the day with me. 
Since Friday is not such a good day for Brady (he has school AND work.. lame), my parents and I drove up to Salty City to shop before the Jazz game. 
We went to Ikea, Forever 21, and H&M. 
{Clarification:: My mom and I shopped, and my dad waited in the car (what a gem).}

We then met up with Brady at Crown Burger to grab a bite to eat in preparation to see The King {Lebron James}.
I just love him.

{As if you couldn't tell by the millions of pictures I took}

Other pictures for your viewing enjoyment::

Brady & I watching warm-ups

The Parents

The best part of the game? The Jazz actually WON! 

This is us excited that the Jazz finally won.

I got spoiled this year.

I received::
-Breakfast in bed, a decorated house, my favorite candy, a cute letter, AND coupons made by my amazing husband
-Many, many clothes purchased by my parents
-Tickets to the Jazz vs. Lebron game
-A package from my sister including earrings, a headband, and pictures drawn by Natalie and Becca
-A devine cupcake from Ashlyn
-A crown pillow handsewn from my perfect nephew, Josh
-A darling purse with new wallet inside, and lots of the easter resses {aka the best candy- perfect chocolate to peanut butter ratio} from the in-laws
-Birthday cards from grandparents
-And many, many birthday wishes via calls, texts, in person, and of couse facebook!

Thank you so much to everyone who made my day so amazing!! 
I really do have the best friends and family ever {I am not biased at all}!

I have a feeling my twenty second year of life is going to be a great one.