Monday, April 2, 2012

Barbara Jean

Today marks three years since the passing of this perfect lady.

Barbara Jean Stephens Hamm

She was honestly the best grandma anyone could ask for and I miss her dearly everyday. 

To give you a taste of how wonderful she really was here is a list of a few of the things I loved most about her::

-She was so selfless. Seriously, she would do ANYTHING that she could for anyone in her family. Including making me plain pie crust with sugar and butter at the bottom whenever I wanted because pie crust was my favorite.

-She was hilarious, even without meaning to be. One of my favorite memories is when we were sitting around the table one night after she got a cell phone and she asked if people could see her when they called because there are cameras on phones now {she was really nervous about this because sometimes she takes her phone with her when she goes to the bathroom}. We all started crying we were laughing so hard, including grandma.

-She was a MASTER cook and seamstress. She could make, sew, cook, or bake anything. 

-She let me (an annoying teenager) live with her for six months when my parents were overseas. Only a saint would do that. 

-She made everyone around her feel like they were her favorite person in the world {even though I was actually her favorite :) }

-She was the only person that believed I would actually wait for and marry Brady. One of the last things I remember her talking to me about was how she just knew that I was going to marry Brady despite everyones doubts. It meant so much that someone believed in us at that time and I am grateful to her for that. 

To sum it up:: She was just amazing.

I recently came across this picture. 
And while it isn't a great picture of any of us,
it is one of the most recent pictures I have.
And it makes me smile.


  1. Sweet Post! Your grandma really was a special lady!!

  2. Miss her. We got sugar cookies in her honor that day:) and I was totally her favorite:)

  3. three years already!! I miss that sweet lady!
