Thursday, April 26, 2012

A BYU Grad, Finally

University:: Brigham Young University
Degree:: Bachelor of Art
{side note:: I had no idea I was getting a Bachelors of Art until I picked up my tassel. I mean my major was Political SCIENCE so I just assumed I was getting a Bachelors of Science. Whatev.}
Major:: Political Science
Minor:: Middle Eastern Studies
Date:: April 19-20, 2012

Here are some pictures for your viewing enjoyment::

{my awesome diploma holder}

{getting my awesome diploma holder}

{my lovely parents}

{my great in-laws}




{ashlyn and I at commencement} 

{my mom loves door signs, I love Dr. Pepper}

Thanks to::

-Brady, for putting up with my school  related breakdowns (well actually all breakdowns, but this is a graduation post so we will keep it about school}, and helping me combine millions of excel documents. I  know you loved every second of it :).

-The in-laws, for coming up to support me and letting me drag you guys around City Creek.

-Ashlyn, for helping me graduate with a decent GPA and for suffering through 328 with me. 

-My professors, for teaching me really cool stuff, and not failing me. 

-Subway, for making Turkey the "sub of the day" on Wednesdays, my longest day on campus.

-My dad, for putting up with years of school related breakdowns, helping me with my econometrics homework, giving me directions to buildings on campus {even my senior year}, and for always making sure I knew that whatever grade I got  was good enough as long as I tried my best.

-My mom, for creating the best house in the world to come home to when I needed a break from school, for always letting me talk to her about anything, for editing my papers, for helping me decorate my apartment, and giving me groceries every time I came home, which definitely made my life less stressful.

-And to everyone else for making my BYU experience great! 

1 comment:

  1. YES!! I loved the bit about subway, hahaha. I can't believe it's done. STUPID BACHELOR OF ARTS!!! Who freaking knew...
