Thursday, April 26, 2012

A BYU Grad, Finally

University:: Brigham Young University
Degree:: Bachelor of Art
{side note:: I had no idea I was getting a Bachelors of Art until I picked up my tassel. I mean my major was Political SCIENCE so I just assumed I was getting a Bachelors of Science. Whatev.}
Major:: Political Science
Minor:: Middle Eastern Studies
Date:: April 19-20, 2012

Here are some pictures for your viewing enjoyment::

{my awesome diploma holder}

{getting my awesome diploma holder}

{my lovely parents}

{my great in-laws}




{ashlyn and I at commencement} 

{my mom loves door signs, I love Dr. Pepper}

Thanks to::

-Brady, for putting up with my school  related breakdowns (well actually all breakdowns, but this is a graduation post so we will keep it about school}, and helping me combine millions of excel documents. I  know you loved every second of it :).

-The in-laws, for coming up to support me and letting me drag you guys around City Creek.

-Ashlyn, for helping me graduate with a decent GPA and for suffering through 328 with me. 

-My professors, for teaching me really cool stuff, and not failing me. 

-Subway, for making Turkey the "sub of the day" on Wednesdays, my longest day on campus.

-My dad, for putting up with years of school related breakdowns, helping me with my econometrics homework, giving me directions to buildings on campus {even my senior year}, and for always making sure I knew that whatever grade I got  was good enough as long as I tried my best.

-My mom, for creating the best house in the world to come home to when I needed a break from school, for always letting me talk to her about anything, for editing my papers, for helping me decorate my apartment, and giving me groceries every time I came home, which definitely made my life less stressful.

-And to everyone else for making my BYU experience great! 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Rundown

Now that my life is not taken over by papers/presentations/tests I can stop neglecting my blog. 
So this is what we have been up to the past month or so...

1:: City Creek!
I don't know why, but I had been dying to go to this mall for quite some time.
Opening weekend I dragged my friend Ashlyn with me.
It was awesome. Well, I thought so at least. 

{no purchases}

2:: School Mishaps
Let's just say I failed miserably on my capstone presentation. 
I emailed myself an unfinished version of my powerpoint.
The powerpoint I emailed my self included the word "billionssssss" {yes, with every single "s"} in the space where the total cost of the Iraq War was supposed to go.
I talked about the Obama REGIME instead of the Obama Administration.
On a happy note, I am done with school forever!
{graduation post coming soon, because it is too cool to be included in this catch up}

3:: Easter
We went down to St. George for Easter and it rocked.
We went to some awesome family parties.
Participated in the First Annual McArthur Pickleball tournament.
{we lost in the second round, chance and konner took home the trophy}
I got to see my favorite pregnant person {erin}.
We played some games, and went on an extreme Easter egg hunt. 
We got to see some of my favorite children.
We dyed some easter eggs {all ten of Anna's were straight pink}
{max looks terrified, but he love us all, I promise}

{Easter Sunday}

4:: The Nursing Learning Center
After four years, I am done working at the NLC.
Even though the manikins were creepy, 
I will miss it. 

"That's all folks!"

Monday, April 2, 2012

Barbara Jean

Today marks three years since the passing of this perfect lady.

Barbara Jean Stephens Hamm

She was honestly the best grandma anyone could ask for and I miss her dearly everyday. 

To give you a taste of how wonderful she really was here is a list of a few of the things I loved most about her::

-She was so selfless. Seriously, she would do ANYTHING that she could for anyone in her family. Including making me plain pie crust with sugar and butter at the bottom whenever I wanted because pie crust was my favorite.

-She was hilarious, even without meaning to be. One of my favorite memories is when we were sitting around the table one night after she got a cell phone and she asked if people could see her when they called because there are cameras on phones now {she was really nervous about this because sometimes she takes her phone with her when she goes to the bathroom}. We all started crying we were laughing so hard, including grandma.

-She was a MASTER cook and seamstress. She could make, sew, cook, or bake anything. 

-She let me (an annoying teenager) live with her for six months when my parents were overseas. Only a saint would do that. 

-She made everyone around her feel like they were her favorite person in the world {even though I was actually her favorite :) }

-She was the only person that believed I would actually wait for and marry Brady. One of the last things I remember her talking to me about was how she just knew that I was going to marry Brady despite everyones doubts. It meant so much that someone believed in us at that time and I am grateful to her for that. 

To sum it up:: She was just amazing.

I recently came across this picture. 
And while it isn't a great picture of any of us,
it is one of the most recent pictures I have.
And it makes me smile.